New Mainers Resource Center
The New Mainers Resource Center (NMRC) is a program serving immigrants, refugees and employers in the Greater Portland area. NMRC was launched in December 2013 to help foreign trained skilled professionals overcome the barriers they face as they pursue their professions in Maine. These include: lack of information about career pathways, transferring credentials, US standards for resumes, interviews, communication, workplace culture; licensing barriers; lack of English classes and English classes with a professional contextual focus; employer misconceptions; and lack of professional networks.
A skilled professional is defined as someone who has a bachelor’s degree or higher from their home countries.
What we do
We provide skilled professionals programs, employment and case management, intensive classes focused on job readiness skills, networking opportunities, workshops and other services designed to help New Mainers, of all professions, overcome barriers to enter the US workforce.
Our Mission
To support Maine’s economic development by facilitating the professional integration of immigrants and refugees, and by meeting employers’ demands for a skilled and culturally diverse workforce.