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English Learning

PAE currently teaches over 1,800 immigrants and refugees from over 60 countries around the world. Our ESOL program (English for Speakers of Other Languages) helps students improve their English reading, writing, grammar and life skills. ESOL classes also help students prepare for employment and continuing education.

New students must come for an intake to ensure proper placement in the correct level. Appointments are offered throughout the school year.

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Classes

Students must take a placement test to ensure proper placement in the correct level.

Six levels of ESOL classes are offered to give comprehensive English language instruction to speakers of other languages.

Beginning levels

  • focus on basic communication, life skills and literacy: ESOL Beginning literacy, ESOL 1 (low beginning) and ESOL 2 (high beginning)

Intermediate levels

  • continue to focus on reading, writing, work and life skills: ESOL 3 (low intermediate) and ESOL 4 (high intermediate)

Advanced levels

  • focus on reading, writing and grammar in academic contexts to prepare students for employment and continuing education: ESOL 5 (Advanced)

ESOL Class Schedule

PAE offers courses in trimesters each school year:

Trimester 1: September - December
Trimester 2: January - March
Trimester 3: April - June

Several sessions of each ESOL level are offered at various times to accommodate work and family schedules.

The Learning Lab

Our lab provides supported online learning opportunities for students on the ESOL waitlist or in ESOL classes. An experienced teacher will guide your studies and help you achieve your English language learning goals.